48 Hour Film Project returns to Orlando

The 48 Hour Film Project, the world’s largest timed filmmaking competition, is back in Orlando. Although the Orlando event itself won’t take place until August 22-24 (with the public screenings scheduled for Sept. 10, 11 and 14 at Plaza Cinema Cafe), the meet-and-greets are already underway. Those meet-ups are designed to introduce filmmakers and foster team building. If you’re a team leader wanting to find actors, writers, cinematographers or technicians to join your group, the meet-ups are the place to do it. Similarly, if you’re searching for a team to join, now’s the time.

The meet-ups are taking place at Cue Phoria Billiards and Cafe in Winter Park throughout July and August. The next one is Sunday, July 12. Check out Facebook for more information, or e-mail Orlando Producer Rob Ward at Orlando@48film.com.

If you’re not familiar with the 48 Hour Film Project, I suggest visiting the main site. For Orlando, click here. And if you’re not in Orlando, remember that this event takes place around the world throughout the year, so you’re bound to find one near you sometime in 2014. I’d also suggest perusing my story on the 2013 Orlando Project, when I had the good fortune to be imbedded with the team that was eventually crowned the winner. The story gives details on last year’s event and an overview on how the entire Project works, including the rules. My follow-up blog and story on the international competition, Filmapalooza, are also worth a read. (The next international competition, which pits city winners against each other, will be in Los Angeles in early 2015.)







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