Ranking the 2015 Oscar Shorts

The Oscar Shorts programs are always a reminder not necessarily of the quality of the films themselves, but of the odd nomination process. While the public undoubtedly imagines a room full of sequestered “film experts” viewing thousands of short films to determine the best of the year, that is, sadly, a fantasy. Instead, a short must win the grand jury prize at an Oscar-accredited festival to be considered for nomination.

The Phone Call

Image copyright RSA Films

That might sound prestigious, but it’s actually less stellar than you might think. First, there are fewer than 90 Oscar-accredited festivals around the world. Yes, the list does include the big three: Berlin, Cannes and Venice. It also includes familiar names like Sundance and Los Angeles and even the Florida Film Festival. But there’s no Toronto, no London. So, essentially, if your short doesn’t win the votes of just a handful of individuals at one of these festivals, it can’t be considered for an Oscar. Bummer.

With that said, there is usually some tremendous quality among the five live-action shorts and five animated shorts (plus the extra four animated ones that are added to round out the program). This year’s aren’t quite as strong as in the past, and one or two shockingly miss the mark, but the programs are still worthwhile.

So here, in order of quality (0-5 stars), are the 14 films being shown in the two Oscar programs. (I haven’t had a chance to screen the documentary shorts, so those aren’t included.) Animated films are in blue.

The Phone Call (5 stars) – my selection for best live-action short

The Bigger Picture (4) – my selection for best animated short

Aya (4)

A Single Life (4)

Footprints (3) *

The Dam Keeper (3)

Butterlamp (3)

Boogaloo and Graham (3)

Me and My Moulton (3)

Parvaneh (3)

Duet (3) *

Feast (2)

Sweet Cocoon (2) *

Bus Story (1) *

* – non-nominees

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