Florida students win filmmaker awards

From The Orlando Weekly, March 9, 2017

Thirteen high school and middle school students from Winter Park and Maitland, Florida, have won prizes in C-SPAN’s 2017 national StudentCam competition.

Students were asked to create short documentary films answering the question: “What is the most urgent issue for the new president and Congress to address in 2017?”

The annual contest received a record 2,903 submissions from more than 5,600 students around the country this year, with a total of 150 films and 321 students being honored. Monetary awards were either $250 or $750.

The winners from Winter Park High School are Sydney Plastow, Sophie Freid, Christina Spain, Chelsea Wilck, Amanda Belawski, Walker Simasek, Clay DeHart, Zoe Heafner, Abigail Marcil, Tatum Homer-Dibble, Lauren Hughes and Emme Santos. Maitland Middle School’s Georgia Bernbaum also won.

The most popular topics this year were equality (including police brutality, racial and gender discrimination, and women’s rights), the economy and the environment.

Visit http://www.studentcam.org/winners17.htm to view the winning entries, which may be used with attribution to C-SPAN.

Copyright 2017 © Orlando Weekly


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