For Valentine’s Day: the 10 best romances

On this Valentine’s Day, I present my list of the 10 greatest romance movies of all time. Ironically, and sadly, only one of these films (The Graduate) ends well for the romantic couple in life, though not in the conventional sense. (But the characters’ ghosts achieve happiness in two (Wuthering Heights and Somewhere in Time) and their deconstructionist doubles in another (Atonement).)

1. Gone With the Wind * (1939)
2. The Graduate (1967)
3. Les Enfants du Paradis (Children of Paradise) FL (1945)
4. Wuthering Heights (1939)
5. Casablanca * (1943)
6. Somewhere in Time (1980)
7. Atonement (2007)
8. City Lights SlWS (1931)
9. Splendor in the Grass (1961)
10. The Remains of the Day (1993)

For more of my top-10 lists by genre, click here.

Image courtesy of iStockPhoto (credit: Knopper)

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