2020 Movie News & Features
This page contains links to articles about film, film festivals and other events, and the film industry in general from 2020. They are copyrighted by the publications in which they originally appeared and/or MeierMovies, LLC, and cannot be reproduced or reposted online without permission. All content, unless otherwise noted, is by Cameron Meier. (MeierMovies is based in Orlando, so the news is often focused on Central Florida.)
If you want to skip directly to reviews of specific films, go here. You might check out the Posts page, which contains casual, brief musings on timely film-related subjects and events.
For a guide to colors and symbols, see the Key. Articles appear in chronological order, with the most recent stories first.
Year in review: film in the time of corona
22nd Annual Central Florida Jewish Film Festival
Halloween: The Ranking of Michael Myers
Melbourne Independent Filmmakers Festival
Love (of film) in the time of coronavirus
Orlando’s Indie Cinema Showcase returns at the unlikeliest time
Regal closing again, temporarily
Lessons learned from a first-time fest (OIFF)
18th Annual Global Peace Film Festival
AMC reopening, turning back time
29th Annual Florida Film Festival:
FFF announces program
Festival to blend in-person, virtual events
Film reviews
Orlando’s Alamo Drafthouse delayed, likely until 2021
Old Hollywood has died: Olivia de Havilland, 104, is gone
What’s on, what’s not during pandemic
Telluride Film Festival canceled
Sarasota Film Festival to go virtual while regular event is delayed
Coronavirus batters film industry, closes cinemas and postpones Florida Film Festival
Film industry tackles coronavirus
22nd Annual Sarasota Film Festival announces films, guests
Florida’s first Alamo Drafthouse to open in Orlando later this year
Enzian Theater seeks second screen