Film Festivals
Articles related to film festivals, other movie events and film news in general are indexed on this page chronologically, but the list below makes it easy to find the festival you’re looking for quickly. All the fests listed below (alphabetically) are ones I have covered, in Florida, Texas and Colorado. To go directly to movie reviews, click here. And to discover star ratings of the films, see my Movie Lists page.
Austin Revolution Film Festival (ARFF)
Central Florida Film Festival (CenFlo)
Central Florida Jewish Film Festival
15 Minutes of Fame Film Festival
48 Hour Film Project and Filmapalooza
Love Your Shorts Film Festival
Melbourne Independent Filmmakers Festival (MIFF)
Orlando Intenational Film Festival
Spooky Empire Horror Film Festival
Also see my tutorial on how to get your film into festivals.
Image (iStockPhoto 1348059795) is by AlexanderLipko.